

Alvah was a prolific writer. He wrote poems on envelopes, on napkins, with typewriter, by hand, on his computer, on his phone… His most recent work was neatly displayed on his or Freshout Mag’s Instagram, but his early work was all over the place and some may have been lost. Luckily, his good friend Amy squirreled away as many of these as she could find. Where possible, the poems have been dated and notated with any relevant biographical info. Writing poetry was Alvah’s passion. Perhaps you’ll find that reading them becomes yours.

All Poems

All his poems displayed in random order.

Haiku, Senryu & Other Bite-size Poems

These are short form poems. They either follow the Haiku structure or have the Senryu sensibility or they’re just short and sweet.

Side-Hustle: A Novel

Side-Hustle: A Novel was meant to be a novel told in a series of poems via Instagram. It’s unfinished.

100-Poem Night

An attempt to write one hundred poems in one night.

Selected Poems

Link to selected poems curated by Alvah’s good friend Amy.

Alvah with Guitar


Somewhere along the way, Alvah picked up a guitar, as teenagers are wont to do. No cover songs or electric ruckus for him. He soon put his lyrical talents to good use writing his own music. As clever and original as his poems, the songs are his poetry come to life. Drawing on his life, family history and skills of observation, his music is a rare treat. 


All the songs Alvah wrote and recorded. Listen to the recordings and read the lyrics. Let us know if you can fill in any blanks.

Wildroot 360

The songs he wrote and/or performed with his musical partner, Ward Morford, and various guest artists. Let us know if we’re missing any credits.

Ducking Francine

The Wildroot 360 LP published in 1998

Southern Amusement 1928

A full length EP of Alvah’s songs with Wildroot 360

In a Spree Across the South

Wildroot 360 songs, lovingly remastered and posthumously released

Early Work: 1985-2000 (roughly)

The songs he wrote and performed from the time he picked up a guitar until he began playing in Wildroot 360.

Alvah at Starlite

Publications and Links

Alvah was a co-founder and contributor to Freshout Mag, an online poetry magazine. He was also published in several poetry magazines. 

He wanted poetry to have a wider audience. Visit these links to read his published poems and browse through some of the other wonderful writing while you’re there. Maybe you have something you want to submit.

Fresh Out: An Arts and Poetry Collective

The literary and visual arts online magazine Alvah formed with his friends, Eric Lohman and Philip Sturges.